IMC Journal
IMC Journal

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Issue: Vol.1 No.1 - January 2007
In Memoriam: National Prof. Mohammad Ibrahim (1911 - 1989)
Prof. A.K.M. Nurul Anwar
Prof. A.K.M. Nurul Anwar

Department of Pharmacology, Ibrahim Medical College, Segunbagicha, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Prof. Mohammad Ibrahim’s contribution in the field of medicine in general and diabetes in particular has been nothing less than phenomenonal. He was a successful physician, a gifted teacher, a talented organiser and a great social reformer. Prof. Ibrahim was the founder of Diabetic Association of Pakistan and later of Bangladesh. With his initiative Diabetic Association’s small outpatient clinic at Segunbagicha, has grown over the years into imposing prestigious BIRDEM at Shahbag, presently designated as WHO Collaborating Centre on Diabetes, Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders, only of its kind in Asia. BIRDEM’s long journey from Segunbagicha to Shahbag is a tale of dedication and devotion of Prof. Ibrahim.

Another field of social welfare in which Prof. Ibrahim left indelible mark was family planning. He was a founder member of Bangladesh Family Planning Association which started family planning program first in this country in mid fifties. As an Adviser (Minister) of the Ministry of Health and Population Control, Govt. of Bangladesh in mid seventies, he introduced multisectoral approach – involving various ministries, agencies of the Govt., NGOs, social leaders and the people with the family planning awareness program, which subsequently proved crucial for the success of the program.

He was a great physician. His humility to his patients was genuine. He used to say to his humblest of patients ‘I am grateful to you for the opportunity you have given me to serve you’. Deep empathy and compassion were characteristics of his dealing with his patients especially those who were poor and in pain.

As a teacher, he always laid emphasis on punctuality, discipline, devotion to duty and practice rather than precept. Prof. Ibrahim instilled confidence and trust in his students and helped them to inculcate the habit of deducting reasoning, enquiry and adherence to clinical methods.

Prof. Ibrahim was elected Chairman of Pakistan Medical Research Council and of Pakistan National Science Council from 1969-1971. He also served as President of Bangladesh Association of Scientists and Scientific Professions, President of Bangladesh College of Physicians & Surgeons and Vice-President of Bangladesh Academy of Sciences. Government of Bangladesh honoured him by appointing him the first National Professor from among physicians in 1984.

Prof. Ibrahim always believed that an institution achieves its goal and excellence not by bricks and mortars, nor by machines or metals but by their human resources and he spent all his life in developing these human resources. Ibrahim Medical College is yet another Institute of Diabetic Association of Bangladesh dedicated to his memory and committed to develop the human resources for health of highest order, true to the ideals of Prof. Ibrahim.