IMC Journal
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Issue: Vol.18 No.1 - January 2024
Hall technique for the management of carious primary molar teeth among African children - a review
Obehi. O Osadolor
Obehi. O Osadolor

Department of Child Dental Health, University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital, Ituku- ozalla, Enugu State, Nigeria

Background: Hall technique involves cementing preformed metal crowns or stainless steel crowns on the tooth with the use of luting glass ionomer cements, without the use of local anaesthesia, caries removal and tooth preparation of any kind. It can be an intervention to stop the progression of active untreated carious lesion in primary molar teeth among African children. This article reviews the available studies on Hall technique used for the management of carious primary molar teeth among African children.

Method: An electronic literature search in Web of science, Scopus, PubMed, Google Scholar, African journals online, ResearchGate and Google was conducted in June, 2023 using the Population-Concept-Context framework. Search terms and keywords were combined by Boolean operators. Three independent investigators (research assistants) screened titles, abstracts and full text of publications. The inclusion criteria were original research articles, case report, case series related to Hall technique for the management of carious primary molar teeth studies conducted in African continent, published in English language and in electronic databases.

Results: Four articles were included as they were assessed to meet the aim of the review. The study design of the articles was three randomised controlled clinical trial and one case report. One study was identified each from Egypt, Morocco, Nigeria and Sudan respectively. All the identified studies in African continent were hospital based.

Conclusion: Hall technique can be an intervention for management of carious primary molar teeth in resource poor locality in Africa and globally. Studies on Hall technique for the management of carious primary molar teeth identified in Africa were few and restricted to few countries.

IMC J Med Sci. 2024; 18(1):003. DOI:

*Correspondence:Obehi. O Osadolor, University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital, Ituku- ozalla, Enugu State, Nigeria.  E-mail: [email protected]