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Issue: Vol.5 No.2 - July2011
Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Hypercholesterolemic Type 2 Diabetic Subjects on Dyslipidemia
Farzana Saleh
Farzana Saleh

Department of Community Nutrition, Bangladesh Institute of Health Sciences (BIHS), Mirpur, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Shirin Jahan Mumu
Shirin Jahan Mumu

Department of Epidemiology, Bangladesh Institute of Health Sciences (BIHS), Mirpur, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Fadia Afnan
Fadia Afnan

Department of Community Nutrition, Bangladesh Institute of Health Sciences (BIHS), Mirpur, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Liaquat Ali
Liaquat Ali

Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Bangladesh Institute of Health Sciences (BIHS), Mirpur, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Habib Sadat Chaudhury
Habib Sadat Chaudhury

Biomedical Research Group, Bangladesh Institute of Research and Rehabilitation for Diabetes, Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders (BIRDEM, Shahbag, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Afroza Akhter
Afroza Akhter

Department of Epidemiology, Bangladesh Institute of Health Sciences (BIHS), Mirpur, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Kazi Rumana Ahmed
Kazi Rumana Ahmed

Department of Health Education and Health Promotion, Bangladesh Institute of Health Sciences (BIHS), Mirpur, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Sanzida Akter
Sanzida Akter

Biomedical Research Group, Bangladesh Institute of Research and Rehabilitation for Diabetes, Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders (BIRDEM, Shahbag, Dhaka, Bangladesh

This study was undertaken to assess the knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) of hypercholesterolemic type 2 diabetic subjects on dyslipidemia and to analyze the influence of some demographic and socioeconomic factors on the level of KAP.It was a descriptive cross-sectional survey. One hundred eleven newly diagnosed type 2 diabetic subjects (male 61%, female 39%, age 45±9 years, BMI 24±4.8 Kg/m2) with hypercholesterolemia (fasting plasma total cholesterol >200 mg/dl) were selected from the out patient department of BIRDEM by purposive sampling method. Data were collected by a pre-designed, pretested, interviewer-administered questionnaire. Three categories were defined on the basis of the score obtained by each subject namely low, medium and high as follows: knowledge-score <50%, 50-60% and >60%; attitude-score <60%, 60-80% and >80%; and practice-score <50%, 50-70% and >70% respectively. The levels of knowledge were low in 42%, medium in 35% and high in 23% of the study subjects. The corresponding attitude levels were low in 1%, medium in 31% and high in 68%, and the levels of practice were low in 80%, medium in 14% and high in 6% of the subjects. The knowledge score was higher in secondary and graduate (53.4±8.9%, and 54.9±10.1%) groups compared to illiterate-primary group (48.9±9.9%). Practice score of illiterate-primary group (34.5±16.8%) was lower than secondary and graduate (43.1±13.9% and 46.7±18.1%) groups, but they did not differ on attitude. The various income groups did not differ on knowledge. Attitude score of high-income group (78.7±8.4%) was better than low-income group (70.9±11.8%). Practice score in high-income group (44.7±16.0%) was better than medium income and low-income groups (31.3±14.5% and 28.6±15.0%). Knowledge and practice score in Bangladeshi hypercholesterolemic type 2 diabetic subjects are not satisfactory although they have fairly good attitude levels. Education and income status are the major determinants of knowledge, attitude and practice regarding dyslipidemia in diabetes. A coordinated  policy is required to promote knowledge and attitude on healthy lifestyle and to translate those into practice.

Ibrahim Med. Coll. J. 2011; 5(2): 37-41

Key words: Knowledge, attitude, practice, type 2 diabetes, dyslipidemia

Address for Correspondence:Farzana Saleh, Assistant Professor, Department of Community Nutrition, Bangladesh Institute of Health Sciences, 125/1 Darussalam Mirpur Dhaka-1216, Bangladesh. e-mail: [email protected]